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Assembly District 68
Anat Herzog
Thank you for taking the time to read my candidate statement. My name is Dr. Anat Herzog and I am an advocate for the rights of people with varied abilities for autonomy and self-determination. I am an organizer for Ethnic Studies; an advocate for LGBTQ equality, and I stand with Black Lives Matter. I believe in the emancipatory potential of education. As an educator (formerly Higher School Science in LAUSD, currently in Higher Education at Chapman University) I have experienced first-hand the powerful foundation education can create for our democratic aims. My experiences fuel my passion for change and commitment to hard work in pursuit of equity. I am an immigrant and a home-grown (Anaheim, to Placentia, to Newport Beach, detour in LA County, and now Orange) Democrat, who has lived and worked in both Los Angeles and Orange County. Grounded in family, community, and a desire to serve, I am committed to the ongoing work of building democracy that serves and represents its most vulnerable communities.
I am running with Party of the People Slate “grounded in justice, human rights, and equality” ( In no particular priority Party of the People Slate issues include: Cost-Free Public Education and Higher Education; COVID-19 Financial Relief for All Californians, regardless of immigration status. Defund the Police. Abolish ICE. Extend Moratorium on Evictions. Green New Deal. Holding elected officials accountable. Medicare for All (Single-Payer Healthcare). People-powered politics – No corporate/developer/police union money. Public Banking. Rent Control and Just Cause Evictions. Shelter and Resources for Unhoused Residents. Student Debt Forgiveness. I ask for your vote and your support for the individuals running on the Party of the People Slate,
Hopeful is how I approach the hard work ahead of us as individuals and as a collective toward a democracy that works equally hard and well for all of us. Thank you again for your consideration in choosing me as an assembly district delegate for Assembly District 68.
Nina Baldwin
I am Nina Baldwin, an Orange County native. I earned my B.A. in business economics from UCLA in 2010 and a master’s in public administration from California State University Fullerton in 2020. I work in technical support and have worked in the software industry for over ten years.
After earning my B.A., I struggled to find living-wage jobs or affordable housing in the community I grew up in. In 2016, Bernie Sanders spoke to this struggle and understood working-class issues. That was when I became involved in politics for the first time and canvassed in Nevada, Arizona, and California.
After the campaign ended, I continued to volunteer in the community. I interned at Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development (OCCORD), where, as a part of the Rise Up Willowick coalition, I pressured Santa Ana city council members to be transparent and include community input on the development of a public golf course.
In the fall of 2019, I organized the CSUF for Bernie group. The campus group formed coalitions with other groups such as the College Democrat club, Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA), and Students for Justice in Palestine. I consistently hosted and organized on-campus tabling, dorm canvassing, and class announcements to get out the vote and register students. The culmination of the group’s work was hosting a student march to the polls on March 2nd, 2020. That summer, I was elected as an alternate delegate to the DNC for Bernie Sanders 2020.
I am now the chair of the Orange County chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (OC-DSA). I am working to create ties between other progressive groups I work with, including Our Revolution OC, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), and Feel the Bern Democratic Club.
More than anything, I believe we need to focus on decreasing monopolistic corporate power and the only way to do that is through a multi-racial working-class movement.
Danett Abbott
My name is Danett Abbott-Wicker, and I am running for ADEM Delegate to the California Democratic Party and Executive Board in the 68 Assembly District. I have lived in Orange since 1972 and I attended local grade schools, and graduated from California State University, Fullerton. I know this area well and I know that we need better representation than we have currently.
When I ran for Orange City Council this cycle, I knew I was never going to take developer nor special interest money, including Police Officer Association (POA) money. Running for public office gave me insight into how dysfunctional our city government is. Misplaced priorities, council members taking an anti-science stance and
not enforcing the mask mandate, allocating 42% of the city’s budget to the Police Department, and putting profit above the health of its residents resound negatively throughout the city.
Not thoroughly privy to the realities of politics until I was spurred into action after Trump won, and other than voting regularly, I was not involved. I phone banked and canvassed for Katie Porter in 2018, I was a victory captain for the Bernie Sanders campaign last year, and I also work with Progressive Democrats of America as a Field Coordinator in
California. I enjoy the outreach I do to fellow progressives around the country.
I am a firm believer in Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, ending for-profit prisons and reimagining criminal justice, immigration reform, decriminalizing marijuana, and affordable housing for all.
I ask for your vote and your support for the individuals running on the Party of the People Slate, I will work with other ADEM members to make sure we all get a voice at the table!
Jenny Lynn
Do you believe it is important that the people in our district have a voice in the Democratic Party? That our communities hardest hit by this crisis should be heard? Every two years there's an opportunity for progressives to change out the old-guard & bring more radical voices into the California Democratic Party. We can do this through ADEM’s right now, by voting progressive BIPOC like me into this position.
Check it: Black Lives Matter, healthcare is a human right, the climate crisis is existential, everyone deserves a living wage & a roof over their head, private prisons shouldn’t exist, families belong together, kids don’t belong in cages, & police do not get to play judge, jury & executioner.
I am a Woman of Color, single mother, entrepreneur, a first-generation college graduate & I am running to directly empower my community & bring BIPOC into local electoral politics. I earned a Bachelor’s in Political Science from UCI, minored in Conflict Resolution, & have been a lifelong grassroots activist & organizer since high school when I stood with teachers striking for higher pay in 2000. I’m a co-founder of Me Too Survivors. With help from Tarana Burke, the Black woman who founded Me Too, we organized the first #MeToo march that sparked marches worldwide in 2017!
I was just elected as Chair of Feel The Bern Dem Club of OC. Being a staffer for Bernie Sanders during the 2020 primaries taught me that voters in OC are ready for progress! The hundreds of volunteers that I recruited, trained & managed daily is what made us win all four CD’s we targeted, against all odds! Our next step is to protect the gains we worked hard for!
My family’s economic status was always a challenge. As a struggling single mother, I deeply understand that many people are suffering. No matter how many years I worked 12 hour days, either at multiple jobs or running my own business, I can’t seem to get ahead. I know too many live this way in OC. This isn’t a glitch in the system, it’s how it was designed.
We need an economy that offers good paying jobs & supports small businesses. We need a criminal justice system that actually keeps our communities safe & holds every element in that system accountable, from judges to prosecutors to police. I will be the force that will pass these resolutions & deliver results to AD 68.
Love Wins.
Reach out to me!
Andrew J. Swetland
Andrew Swetland has been a progressive community organizer for 5 years, most notably on the issues of Medicare For All and Abolish ICE. He has tirelessly knocked thousands of doors, made thousands of phone calls, and more for the grassroots progressive movement. As an incumbent Delegate, Andrew has fought tirelessly within the California Democratic Party for the rights of working people in California.
Andrew has been endorsed multiple times by local chapters of Our Revolution and DSA in campaigns for local Democratic Delegate seats.
Over the last 5 years, Andrew volunteered extensively for Bernie 2016, Ocasio-Cortez 2018, and Bernie 2020.
Andrew served as a Speaker and volunteer field organizer for SB-562 Medicare For All Californians, and joined 1,000 union nurses in storming the Capitol building to lobby every single state legislator to vote Yes on the bill, contributing to its successful passage by the California Senate.
Andrew co-authored and organized for an Abolish ICE Resolution which was passed by several local Democratic Parties statewide, resulting in over 12 million Californian residents now having a local Democratic Party which supports Abolishing ICE.
Andrew would be deeply grateful to be empowered by your vote. He will serve as a bold progressive champion to represent our strongly progressive Democratic voters of the community.
David Sonneborn
California Democrats must be attentive to the needs, desires and interests of their constituents. I will continue to do so with respect to AD 68 CADEM members and in outreach to other AD 68 registered Democrats, including those from other OC ADs and those that are members of groups/organizations with shared interests. I plan to do so from the vantage point of a full time volunteer(unpaid) public advocate. I also plan to listen intently at CDP conventions, and as a guest, at eboard meetings. while also supporting, and advocating for, the policies and values of social, racial, gender, environmental and health care justice. I will continue to engage with younger and older Democrats to work together effectively. Both within and beyond CDP per se, I will continue to help with crisis situations where and how most needed, such as the ongoing covid 19 pandemic and the climate emergencies. I will continue to join with others who urgently and persistently focus on peace, and not war, especially not nuclear or cyber war. Until 2020, in my experience, the most effective interchanges at CDP meetings have taken place informally - outside of the standing committee and caucus meetings, formal luncheons and general sessions - in the hallways, along sidewalks and/or at eateries/bars. For at least well into 2021, CDP meetings will take place virtually. I have continued to be a dues paying member of 6-7 caucuses, including the progressive, rural, environmental and women's caucuses, and beginning in 2020, the senior caucus. I was for several years, a member of the legislative standing committee, and continue to carefully monitor progress of worthy legislation in both state and national legislatures. I have been a lead sponsor and testifier for a small number of resolutions and will continue to become apprised of the resolutions submitted to the resolutions committee, as well as to attend the committee hearings. Likewise for the rules committee. I continue to donate to, and participate in, candidate and position campaigns that do not accept money from corporate donors.
I ask for your vote and your support for the individuals running on the Party of the People Slate,
Mani Kang
Hello everyone. My name is Mani Kang and I'm running on the Party of the People Slate to be a state ADEM delegate in the 68th A.D.
As a student of history and one who has written articles on historical figures of the 20th century as well as pivotal moments in international politics, I've always been fascinated by the intersections of politics and people's struggles.
Since I was a teen, I've always been interested in both activism and politics.
The major nationwide activism of the 1960s and the legacy it left behind are big shoes for us to fill, but Generation X and Millennials must also carry that torch forward.
We are inheriting a world of massive problems & turmoil but as the old saying goes about politics being local, we must start to change things here in California.
From pushing props and ballot measures to electing progressives to local, state, and federal office, we must push public servants to adopt Medicare For All, the Green New Deal, rent control, and the reform of Prop 13.
Since the 1990s to present day, I've volunteered on all manner of Democratic campaigns but I truly desire to see progressives win as they are the last best hope.
I've been an active member or alternate since 2009 of the DPOC Central Committee and I'm glad it finally expanded its membership to include more youth, women, and minorities.
I've also gone to state conventions as a voting delegate since 2009 and have at different times been a member of or at least attended the Progressive Caucus, the API Caucus, Arab-American, African-American, Native American, Women's, Labor, and Veterans' caucuses.
I've also been a member of PDA (Progressive Democrats of America) since 2009 after being recruited by Dr. Bill Honigman. They do good work locally through nationally in addressing progressive issues.
The 2018 "Blue Wave" victories in Orange County were a good start but more has to happen.
As progressives we can't simply be satisfied that people labeled as Dems get elected to office. We must insist on leftward policies that will address people's needs.
As a recent Democratic National Delegate for Bernie Sanders to the 2020 national convention, I proudly took part in the Democratic process but also adamantly rejected the DNC Party Platform because it did not include Medicare for All, federal legalization of marijuana, as well as many other progress policies.
In the wake of Covid-19, everyone but the 1% have been left vulnerable. We have to take care of all of our people and must make it a priority that everyone receive more relief checks as well as continuing state aid and Covid-19 testing and treatment.
The bottom line is that we must keep pushing leftward and for more reforms and legislation that take care of the people first and foremost.
If elected ADEM delegate with my fellow People's Slate candidates, I will insist that we vote on progressive policies and measures at the state level as well as to only endorse progressive candidates for office at all levels of government in our diverse Golden State.
I voted for Kimberly Ellis in two state party conventions to be Chair of the Calif Dem Party. I will now gladly vote for Delaine Eastin in the same vein to be the true progressive leader that we need to take the helm of the state party.
That's the future we need here in California.
Please help elect me as a Party of the People's slate delegate in the ADEMs race, and I'll be sure to make these changes happen.
Thank you.
Writer and Activist
Kyler / Kayla Asato
My name is Kyler/Kayla Asato and I am a 24 year old activist in Orange County. I enjoy being involved in politics and having conversations with voters and general community members, which is why I have decided to devote my life to nonprofits and politics. I enjoy seeing what people struggle with, and trying to help them through service, mutual aid, or activism. I enjoy being a voice for people and channeling some of their interests into candidates that will fight for them in hopes that we can build infrastructure through multiple channels to keep people engaged.
We know that California is a progressive and activist state, but we are represented by followers and moderates across the state. This is the state that started the DREAMER movement, the Sunrise Movement, the sex worker rights movement, and so many more. So many lifetime activists call this state home, and there are more democrats that don't support things like the Green New Deal or Medicare For All across the state than those that don't.
I am running for this position because I want to see Californian candidates leading on these issues. I want to see a Green New Deal for Orange County and a Feminist Economic Recovery Plan for California, and to see candidates running to fight for and lead on these issues instead of giving excuses as to why we can't do them. Why can't we have a $15 minimum wage, and what will you do to enact it in the position that you're running for? Why can't we have free public college, and what can we do to get there? Why can't we have rent control and ballot measures that are clear on what each vote means?
I am running because I want to see action take place on these issues, and that can happen by helping to make proper endorsements on the values that we all share. That can happen by writing a platform that represents California Democrats and showing Californians that we are bold enough to deliver on these issues. This cannot happen unless we have a seat at that table, and that is what I intend to represent as an ADEM.
I am running because I am tired of seeing politics being only about getting votes, and want to help to select candidates that will actually help people and build courage to get change done. Let's not only restore the soul of america, but the soul of the democratic party to its activist and working family roots.