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Assembly District 55
Natalie Estrada Cruz
Natalie Estrada is a bicultural special education teacher and parent in North Orange County. She advocates for students with disabilities, equity in education, affordable housing, immigration reform, Medicare for All, Green New Deal, getting corporate money out of elections, and holding our representatives accountable.
Verronica Clements
The cataclysmic combination of Covid-19 and Donald Trump made me realize how desperately our country needs more ethical leadership at every level. I felt called to become involved in the Democratic Party as more than a voter when I saw Trump and his new Republican party seek to systematically attack our democracy and national decency.
I seek your support as a Party of the People Slate Member to serve as a District 55 ADEM Representative for the 2021 year because I want to fight for justice. I want to work with others to stamp out ignorance, cruelty, and systemic racism.
I have worked as an educator teaching high school literature for more than twenty years. During that time I have been a member of both NEA and CTA. I am currently the Organizing Chair for BOTA. I hold a BA and MA from Whittier College. In my heart I feel what makes me the most qualified is my life history. Being the daughter of blue collar parents I know what it is to struggle to survive. The deck is stacked against working people and I want to see this change.
I am passionate about preserving, perfecting and protecting: the environment, the affordable healthcare act, access to birth control, voter’s rights, ending unfair gerrymandering, police reform, economic growth, LGBTQ rights, teachers rights, women's rights, restructuring taxes to favor the working class, infrastructure, childcare, affordable learning, and strengthening unions.
Please support me and allow me to help organize and bring candidates to positions of governmental power that will bring a better quality of life to the citizens of California. I ask for your vote for District 55 ADEM and your support for the individuals running on the Party of the People Slate,
With respect and gratitude,
Verronica Clements
Wesley Smith
In this era of such a strong disconnect between residents and representatives, it is important for members of every generation be brave enough to run for any office they can. This is my contribution. Being born and raised in Orange County has prepared me for this day. I've been a resident of the 55th district area for 23 years, since I was 2 years old. With a Bachelor's in Political Science from the University of Hawai'i, and a Master's in Public Policy from USC I feel I can bring a much needed perspective to the California ADEMs. I ask my fellow California Democrats, vote Wesley J Smith and all other members of the Party of the People slate. For more information visit: Home | Party of the People